Christ’s Cross To Beyond Eternity
The Holy
Throne Of God
The Lamb,
Paradise Of God
The Marriage
Supper Of The lamb
To All
Churches In the Free World
TO All
Churches In America
Reason For Condemnation, For It’s Much Sin
This is a final
warning, The
apostate Church (false assembly) can no longer exist as it is at present, God
has given it since Christ’s ascension to convert to True Christianity
(righteousness, Conversion, by Christ’s Bloody Cross, Rom. 12;1, 2), yet all it
has done over the two millennium given it is all the more descend into immoral
anarchy, it’s day of compete deletion has come, you have been served. Apostle,
This Building (Church) has been condemned 07/05/2014
As brute beast, in those things
they corrupt themselves, woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain,
and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the
gainsaying of Core Jude 10b, 11
Come Unto Me!
remember when Jesus come into the temple, took a scroll, quoting Isaiah 61:1, 2 (also see Luke 4:16-22), and then declared that particular verse of scripture, even
prophecy that day fulfilled making that an end for now. Although for years I've
been ministering the great falling away from organize Christianity, especially
the American Dream, more a blessing than a curse. Just last night while sleep praying the Holy
Spirits revealed something similar to me, it was regarding the conversation
Jesus is having with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, Jn. 4:5-24, also see
the new covenant Holy Father is to make with the House of Israel (church bride),
as described in Hebrews the 10th chapter.
This phenomenon promise how He’s to now
put His Words in their heart, and write them in their mind, how only then can He
be to them a God and they can again be His People, no longer needing or
victimize by mass assembly. Henceforth focus primarily on Jesus explanation to this woman of Samaria regarding the end of what is now multitudinous denomination (demonization) as
Holy Father seek all the more those worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth, (ye
must be born again). This amazing revelation would as well explain why Jesus
first order of business toward bringing Apostle John into God’s throne is to
reveal to him the seven churches of Asia Minor. Five of which were problematic
churches, all with said rebellion growing to the extent of what is now being
described by this same Lord Jesus as the pouring out of God’s wrath. That’s double their transgressions
and abominations upon that great evil referred to as Mystery Babylon, “come out
of her my people, remember, return, repent, Jesus!”
This realism would then explain the image
I was given in heaven, while in heaven of an illumination like the sun, which
moved from behind a mountain (mountainous chaos perhaps) which spoke to me and
said, “Let My People Go!” meaning only the truth, the sure revelation of Christ’s Gospel
shall make mankind free, see JCON). Certainly, though the entire new testament
forewarn believers of actual doctrines of devils permeating religious pulpits,
the description of Jude, the book of truly gives us an upright view. That’s again
of how the worship of ungodliness to sure abominations totally dominate the
assembly of the supposedly righteous cleverly cloaked in many forms of
spirituality, denying the blood, the power, the anointed of Christ thereof, they are reprobates.
These are
spots in your feast of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves
without fear, clouds they are without water, carried about of winds, trees
whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. {Clearly this is a demonic manner of sleeping,
eating, drinking and being sexually promiscuous with a Satanic to Demonic Deceiver,
Apb, Jesus says repent. or I'll cast you into a bed, (see sick bed), your lovers into Great Tribulation and I will kill your children with death, again, except you repent! Jesus, see Rev. 2:22-23}.
as so this getting away from mass persecution, the majority of which will
happen after the resurrection of the righteous dead. Undoubtedly snatching this
righteous heir out alone will cause an unprecedented fall of apostate Christianity.
One so obvious that in the late nineties there was a world outcry to return to
spirit filled, consecrated, sanctified worship (alters of Jesus Christ) for a darkness
dawn. Though now at this final hour this divine petition is more along the
cries concerning Mystery Babylon as recorded in Rev. 18th chapter, “come
out of her (organized assembly) my people saith the Lord God,” which would as well
explain seeing a beast in the assembly of the ungodly the first of 2015, it was
tearing its way through the pulpits unto the pews which were particularly vacant, the pews.
Witnessing something similar just prior to
the Hussein Obama election 2008/2009, when it was two vicious beasts which
rose, one from land, and one from the sea and nothing would ever be the same. This
end time Apostle/Prophet wouldn’t make any comparison for years but John recorded
seeing something similar Rev. Chapters 13, 14. All of which make more sense of this ten day
count down of June 7th to what turn out to be that horrible Charston
church shooting of June 17th, (see a voice declaring, “mark 17 and 7”). A
massacre now related to as to justify the recent slaying of two young Journalist
just a day or so passed. A demeaning manner of revenge taking whereas fret not
thyself we can now expect similar forms of retaliation. Only, just be reminded said
made aware is another manner of assurance of how soon we’re to be snatch out. Unmistakably
as the Apostle Paul Himself described, this Great Gathering unto the Lord
Christ couldn’t come, even wouldn't come until said Falling Away, meaning one isn’t to prevent but
actually bring about the other.
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these,
saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to
execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of
all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their
hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
These are murmurers,
complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great
swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. But,
beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord
Jesus Christ; How that
they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after
their own ungodly lusts.
A Hussein will Father this nation, 2003, Apb,
The RAM…
Just hearing President Obama admonish how both
this nation and this world is to turn from their religious beliefs, this
includes Christian faith and accept the growing infiltration of mass assembly,
education centers unto life, work and living regarding this same-sex marriage
vote is very concerning indeed. Truthfully it is accursed, the Apostle Paul
hath declared, “though we or an angel
come preaching any other gospel to you, (see the book of Genesis through to
the book of Revelation), than that we’ve
preached to you “let him be accursed (see Gal. 1:8-9).”
In the Genesis 2nd chapter it explains God’s creation of man, both male and female, both husband and wife. While in revelation it explains God casting this self same man, now rebellious into a lake burning with fire and brimstone, (Rev. 21:8), be aware of seducing spirits leading you by your errant, carnal mind, greed and by the lust of your flesh, (see Eph. 5:1-20), Awake O Sword Against My Anointed, Let My People Go! The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb Hath Made Herself Ready, The Spirit and Bride say Come, Apb, The RAM,
In the Genesis 2nd chapter it explains God’s creation of man, both male and female, both husband and wife. While in revelation it explains God casting this self same man, now rebellious into a lake burning with fire and brimstone, (Rev. 21:8), be aware of seducing spirits leading you by your errant, carnal mind, greed and by the lust of your flesh, (see Eph. 5:1-20), Awake O Sword Against My Anointed, Let My People Go! The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb Hath Made Herself Ready, The Spirit and Bride say Come, Apb, The RAM,
For many shall come to me in
that day saying Lord, Lord, have I not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name
cast out devils and in thy name done wonderful works, but I will confess I
never knew you, you that worked iniquity…JCON, Mat. 7:21-23
Dream Of Christians Going To Hell
Plainly, if it doesn’t cause you pain and blood at gloriously renewing the heart and soul, this anxious outreach to the lost, then it’s not of Jesus’s Christ, as we are the church of the Martyred.” Remember, Return, REPENT!!! As to pluck Ambers from the burning, Beware, Apb, The RAM,
Apostle Patricia A. Bradford,
Apostle Patricia A.
Bradford, Gilmore
The Holy Throne Of God
God The Father, Son And Holy
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